Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Interview With Ben

Team Name :- Bene's Geordie Horses

Stadium Name :- St. Horses Stadium

Manager :- Ben Purvis

Highest Value Player In Squad :- Thomas Ujfalusi 550k

Highest Transfer Fee Paid :- Thiago Neves 315K

FML Experience :- Game World Shearer

Best Moment So Far :- It has to be winning the S.F.A. Non Premiership Cup,But also finding my perfect tactics has been great.I am glad i have managed to turn round a team who could not win for love nor money & which i know feel is hard to break down

Worst Moment So Far :- The insane prices people are asking for players,I am trying to sign a decent striker but currently finding it impossible.

Aims For The Current Season :- I aim to get myself up the league ,I feel a little disappointed with my performances in that & hope to win my remaining matches in the coming days.I am also looking forward to next season.

Official Honours :- S.F.A. Non Premiership Cup

Players To Watch Out For :- My left hand side has been particularly strong Sylvain Armand & Radek Sirl have been bargains & in Thiago Neves I have an awesome player for the future.

Any Tips For Other FML Managers :- I always start with a strong defence, As i feel most people want the SUPERSTAR striker 1st.Ive Always gone with being hard to beat & progress from there. & always be on the lookout for that bargain signing that will take your side to the next level.

Thanks Ben for volunteering to this little interview & good luck for the future

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