Wednesday, 8 April 2009


You better be here a lot! From what I hear Toms is somewhat low on numbers currently anyway, so hopefully that'll change, don't want you slacking off now!
Big shame to see both you and Stu go You know my feelings on what you've done for the world, good luck in the next one!

Hope everything turns out OK for you.Know you from beta, and enjoyed your company, was nice to see you back in this gw.Don't be a stranger mate.
Will miss you.

nick its not a bad GW decent people are there they don't like me as all i did was complain lol but some good people in lobby
Robert "Stigsy" Daniel

Good luck in the future Nick. hope it all goes well to the toms gameworld
Caroline Todd

Take care mate, you've been great!
Thomas Digby

Best of luck Nick, we might not always see eye to eye on certain topics of debate but I've always respected the way you've gone about your business, you've been a credit to the Moderating team on Shearer and wish you the best of luck on Toms, not that you'll need it.
Kind Regards

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