Sunday 11 January 2009

S.F.A. Championship "C" Week 2

Its all very close at the top of championship "C" with any of the top 5 in with a shout of the title,
But as in championship "B" there are a lot of sides still with half of there fixtures to resolve so this final week of the season is going to be very hectic & will probably result in sides trading places on a regular basis.
Championship "C" Team of the week (based on avg rating of 10 games or more)
GK: Lukasz Merda-Amogen Athletic-(16)-7.17
RB: John Heitinga-FC SPPH-(13)-7.12
LB: Ze Roberto-Midstokke IL-(13)-7.38
DC: Jos Van Nieuwstadt-FC Toontje-(18-7.21
DC: Mthew Spiranovic-XYU FC-(12)-7.12
RM: Jesper Gronkjaer-United Armenia-(11)-7.30
LM: Antimo Iunco-Kokas FC-(13)-7.17
MC: Luis Cordero-United Armenia-(11)-7.25
MC: Gerard-United Armenia-(11)-7.18
ST: Tim Janssen-Kokas FC-(13)-7.32
ST: Toti-SC Mezmer-(11)-7.29
Top Goalscorer
Tim Janssen-Kokas FC-(13/9)
Gunnar Heldar Porvaldsson-FC Hristo-(12/8)
Dean Ashton-Wanstead Hammers-(16/8)
Most Assists
Antimo Iunco-Kokas FC-(13/8)
Toti-SC Mezmer-(11/6)
Neil Kilkenny-Hackney FC-(9/6)
Safest Hands
Ivan Pelizzoli-Sporting Arsenal-(20/10)
Magnus Bahne-Baloon FC-(15/9)
Sasa Stamenkovic-Stan City-(18/8)

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